“The thoughtless, the ignorant, and indolent, seeing only the apparent effects of things and not the things themselves, talk of law, of fortune, and chance. Seeing a man grow rich, they say, “How lucky he is!” Observing another become intellectual they exclaim, “How highly favored he is!” And noting the saintly character and wide influence of another, they remark, “How chance aids him at every turn!” They don’t see the trials and failures and the struggles which these men have voluntarily encountered in order to gain their experience; have no knowledge of the sacrifices they have made, of the undaunted efforts they have put forth, of the faith they have exercised, that they might overcome the apparently insurmountable, and realize the vision of their heart. They do not know the darkness and the heart aches; they only see the light and the Joy, and they call it “luck”; do not see the longing arduous journey, but only behold the pleasant goal, and call it “good fortune”; do not understand the process, but only perceive the result, and call it “chance”.”
Many of us have grown accustom to the many different types of financial gurus, some of whom have more flash and dash than substance, and then there is the glasses-wearing brainiac who is a numbers savant. We cannot forget the genius 24-year old with a flashy house and a fleet of cars, from Mercedes, Ferraris, to Lamborghinis, to the Phantom by Rolls Royce to boot. He stands before the camera and tells you that he has found a glitch in the system, and if you buy his book and come to his seminar, he will teach you how to do the same. Now, each of these arguments are entirely entertaining at best but comes up short. Each of these facades are merely selling techniques in hopes of convincing, some unsuspecting soul to do business.
To be forthright, I do understand the appeal, especially for those who have yet to understand the truth about money and finance. How cumbersome would it be to pursue those personal attributes that would lead one from ordinary to extraordinary? It would be quite simple, merely seeking the highest good in all our endeavors. Holding the truth high while resisting the lie, not the untruths others peddle, but the lies we faithfully tell ourselves. It's your life; it's your responsibility. Financial literacy isn't a destination; it's a process that is continually evolving. Money is entirely different from finance, and monetary and fiscal policy are both worthless without an economy. Financial literacy must develop as each of these moving parts change because a failure to adapt is economic suicide. And all of this isn't very helpful without practicality, character, patience, purpose, and wisdom. Ultimately, it comes down to a few simple things. What do you secretly desire, most times, that is your most sincere wish? Life is to be lived from the inside out. When your outside proclamation contradicts your internal meditations, then your message to the world will be confusing, and so will your results. What are you willing to sacrifice? You can only justly get out of a thing what you put into it. There are no shortcuts; there is only investment and returns on that investment. Finally, what do you believe? Your beliefs and thoughts set the boundaries of your life. Our ideas, views, and thoughts are who we authentically are and who we hope to become. Yes, money is like water, and as a liquid takes on the shape of the container that holds it, money takes on the characteristics of the person that has it. So let me give you a few principles:
Your inactive money is your greatest asset.
You will become poor if you spend all of your money; therefore, you must remember that money is your employees. You must ensure that your money is working harder than you are. It is also a part of your legacy, so it needs to bear children, and the children need to have more children, therefore increasing your employee base. Remember, money is to be your slave and never your master.
Never trick yourself into thinking you know more than you do.
When you know everything, you close yourself off from learning. Learning is key to every person's maturity. A person who stops learning is already dead no matter how long they keep breathing. Use every instance to become better.
Trying and failing is the only path to wealth.
Through the process of trial and error, people discover how to manage their money. Again, the benefits of experience will pay significant dividends in your future endeavors.
Think about tomorrow when assessing your finances.
If you only earn for today, you will only be as happy as today's paycheck can make you. As Warren Buffet noted, "Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." The most significant difference between having money and being wealthy is the amount of time your money stays with you. It's never about how much money you make. It's about how much you get to keep.
It would be best if you had luck, not chance.
Chance is random; however, your luck can grow with the opportunities you seize. To maximize success, we all need the assistance of good fortune. A blessed man is better off than one that is cursed, and a lucky man is better off than one that is hexed. Work hard and deal fairly by handling your affairs astutely, which will create many massive opportunities for success.
Money is a physical thing that demands a sense of practicality to reap its benefits. For some, success is a half-hearted attempt to be relevant. Relevance shouldn't be a form of self-aggrandizement but a testament to one's efforts in assisting others. In a sense, we don't belong to ourselves but the collective. Each of our lives has a message within it, one that will uplift or denigrate, therefore live well, and share your triumphs and failures; by doing so, you can make someone's journey a little easier. Real success is not what you do for yourself; it is what you do to improve others' lives. Without a sober and responsible mind, money will become your master, and you will be its slave. You will spend your life chasing it, and it will continue ruling and dominating every aspect of your life. The soundness of thought and action is paramount in building a healthy financial future. Never forgetting the natural order of things, people over money, money is to serve you be sure that you never bow to it.